Black Lab Training - Ace Graduates Grade 1! - McCann Professional Dog Trainers

Black Lab Training - Ace Graduates Grade 1!

Have you met Ace?

Ace is a super-sweet, happy-go-lucky Black Lab training in our Grade 1 classes. Labrador Retrievers (labs) are one of the worlds most beloved breed of dogs. They are sweet and possess a great sense of humour.

There are 3 main varieties of colour, Yellow (which can be almost white or close to red), Black and Chocolate. Labs typically love everyone at first sight, which can make them a handful if early manners aren’t taught. They become large quickly and can easily knock over small children or even adults in their exuberance and excitement.

This Black Lab is a Guinea Pig of sorts. She is one of our video projects and a student in one of our Grade 1 classes.


Black Lab Training with Ace

If this is your first introduction to Ace, you should check out her previous posts: Ace in Puppy Head Start - Ace in our puppy program
Ace Starts Grade 1 - Ace in her first lesson of Grade 1 being handled by one of our instructors - a stranger to her!

Ace has learned a lot thanks to her diligent trainer Erin, she's becoming a good family member.

Look at how much they've accomplished by the end of Grade 1! Ace's skills and manners are lovely. This video illustrates some of the skills that dogs and owners have learned by the end of our Grade 1 program.

Grade 1 skills include:


  • Come the first time every time, even when distracted – a potentially life-saving lesson!
  • Sit while greeting guests
  • Not jump up on people
  • Sit and stay even when distracted
  • Lie down and stay even with distractions
  • Walk on a leash happily without pulling you
  • Play and then settle down on command


Thanks to Erin for allowing us to follow along in Ace's progress. Stay tuned for videos of Ace in Grade 2! Grade 2 is primetime for adolescence, which is often referred to as the "teenaged" years. With consistent training, Ace and Erin should breeze right through it!

Hi! I'm Shannon Viljasoo and I joined the McCann team in 1999 while training Quincey, my wonderful and spirited Rottweiler, to have good listening skills. I'm the Director of Online Training and Content for McCann Professional Dog Trainers and I enjoy writing about dogs and dog training for the McCann blog. I currently share my life with 2 Tollers (Reggie & Ned) and I love helping people develop the best possible relationship with their 4-legged family members.

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